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Congratulations to our center for winning the "Our Common Future" Entrepreneur Annual Conference 20X23 Angel Showcase - Digital Development Group, Innovation Concept Award.

The "Our Common Future" Entrepreneurship Conference, jointly organized by Taipei Startup Lab, United Innovation Accelerator, Chang Gung University, and others, announced the winners of the 20X23 Angel Selection event on December 22nd. A total of 12 teams were awarded a combined support fund of 3 million NTD.

Our center participated in the competition with the theme of the Smart Factory's Cyber-Physical System (CPS) Integration. We utilized the spirit of Industry 4.0 to achieve horizontal and vertical integration. By utilizing an in-memory data structure-based digital twin system, we conducted multiple simulations rapidly and applied queuing theory, domain knowledge, and machine learning. Leveraging data from ERP and MES systems, we replaced the traditional APS system with an intelligent iPS system, effectively integrating the decision-making systems of ERP and MES, and making them intelligent.

The Digital Development Category-Innovation Concept Award was achieved through the collective efforts of our center members during this conference. We will continue to strive to complete various research endeavors in the future.
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